There Will Be Blood (2007) Poster

Paul Dano: Paul Sunday, Eli Sunday



  • Eli Sunday : Why are you talking about Paul?

    Daniel Plainview : I did what your brother couldn't.

    Eli Sunday : Don't say this to me.

    Daniel Plainview : I broke you and I beat you. It was Paul who told me about you. He's the prophet. He's the smart one. He knew what was there and he found me to take it out of the ground, and you know what the funny thing is? Listen... listen... listen... I paid him ten thousand dollars, cash in hand, just like that. He has his own company now. A prosperous little business. Three wells producing. Five thousand dollars a week.

    [Eli cries] 

    Daniel Plainview : Stop crying, you sniveling ass! Stop your nonsense. You're just the afterbirth, Eli.

    Eli Sunday : No...

    Daniel Plainview : You slithered out of your mother's filth.

    Eli Sunday : No.

    Daniel Plainview : They should have put you in a glass jar on a mantlepiece. Where were you when Paul was suckling at his mother's teat? Where were you? Who was nursing you, poor Eli? One of Bandy's sows? That land has been had. Nothing you can do about it. It's gone. It's had.

    Eli Sunday : If you would just take...

    Daniel Plainview : You lose.

    Eli Sunday : ...this lease, Daniel...

    Daniel Plainview : Drainage! Drainage, Eli, you boy. Drained dry. I'm so sorry. Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, that's a straw, you see? Watch it. Now, my straw reaches acroooooooss the room and starts to drink your milkshake. I... drink... your... milkshake!

    [sucking sound] 

    Daniel Plainview : I drink it up!

    Eli Sunday : Don't bully me, Daniel!

    [Daniel roars and throws Eli across the room] 

    Daniel Plainview : Did you think your song and dance and your superstition would help you, Eli? I am the Third Revelation! I am who the Lord has chosen!

  • Daniel Plainview : I told you I would to eat you!

    Eli Sunday : [terrified]  We're family!

    Daniel Plainview : I told you I would eat you up!

  • Eli Sunday : When do we get our money, Daniel?

    [Daniel slaps Eli across the face] 

    Daniel Plainview : [continuing to slap Eli]  Aren't you a healer and a vessel for the holy spirit? When are you coming over and make my son hear again? Can't you do that?

  • Eli Sunday : I am a false prophet God is a superstition!

  • Paul Sunday : Mr. Plainview?

    Daniel Plainview : Yes?

    Paul Sunday : Are you Daniel Plainview?

    Daniel Plainview : Yes. What can I do for you?

    Paul Sunday : You look for oil.

    Daniel Plainview : That's right.

    Paul Sunday : What do you pay for a place that has it?

    Daniel Plainview : Well, that depends.

    Paul Sunday : What does it depend on?

    Daniel Plainview : On a lot of things.

    Paul Sunday : If I told you I knew a place that had oil, where land could be bought cheaply, what do you think that would be worth?

    Daniel Plainview : Oh, I think that, uh... you should let me know what you know, and, uh, and then we'll try and work something out.

    Paul Sunday : Can I sit down?

    Daniel Plainview : Please.

    Paul Sunday : [Paul sits]  What church do you belong to?

    Daniel Plainview : I, um... I enjoy all faiths. I don't belong to one church in particular. I... I like them all. I like everything. Where are you from?

    Paul Sunday : That would be telling you. That's what I want to sell you.

    Daniel Plainview : What are you doing in Signal Hill?

    Paul Sunday : We have oil and it seeps through the ground. Do you want to pay me to know where it is...

    Daniel Plainview : Well, just because there's something on the ground doesn't mean there's anything beneath it.

    Paul Sunday : Why did Standard Oil buy up land?

    Daniel Plainview : Is it in California?

    Paul Sunday : Maybe.

    Daniel Plainview : How much land they buy?

    Paul Sunday : I'd like it better if you didn't think I was stupid.

  • Daniel Plainview : [mumbles]  Abandoned my child.

    Eli Sunday : Say it louder... say it louder!

    Daniel Plainview : I've abandoned my child! I've abandoned my child! I've abandoned my boy!

    Eli Sunday : Now beg for the blood!

    Daniel Plainview : [sotto voce]  Please, give me the blood, Eli. Let me get out of here.

    Daniel Plainview : [aloud]  Give me the blood, Lord, and let me get away!

  • Eli Sunday : Oh, Daniel... Oh, Daniel... please... I-I-I'm in... I'm in desperate times.

    Daniel Plainview : I know.

    Eli Sunday : I need a friend.

    Daniel Plainview : Yes, of course you do.

    Eli Sunday : I've sinned! I need help! I'm a sinner! I've let the Devil grab hold of me in ways I never imagined! I'm so full of sin.

    Daniel Plainview : The Lord sometimes challenges us, doesn't he?

    Eli Sunday : Oh, yes, he does. Daniel, yes, he does!

    Daniel Plainview : Yes, he does!

    Eli Sunday : Oh! He's completely failed to alert me to the recent panic in our economy and this! I-I... I must have this. I must, I must, I must, I must, I must have this. My investments have... Daniel, I won't bore you, but I... If I could grab the Lord's hand for help, I would, but he does these things all the time, these mysteries that he presents and while we wait... while we wait for his word...

    Daniel Plainview : Because you're not the chosen brother, Eli. It was Paul who was chosen. Yes, he-he found me and he told me about your land. You're just a fool.

  • Eli Sunday : We have a sinner with us here who wishes for salvation. Daniel, are you a sinner?

    Daniel Plainview : Yes.

    Eli Sunday : Oh, the Lord can't hear you, Daniel. Say it to him. Go ahead and speak to him. It's all right.

    Daniel Plainview : Yes.

    Eli Sunday : Down on your knees and to him. Look up to the sky and say it.

    Daniel Plainview : What do you want me to say?

    Eli Sunday : Oh, Daniel, you've come here and you've brought good and wealth, but you have also brought your bad habits as a backslider. You've lusted after women, and you have abandoned your child - your child that you raised. You have abandoned all because he was sick and you have sinned. So say it now - "I am a sinner."

    Daniel Plainview : I am a sinner.

    Eli Sunday : Say it louder - " I am a sinner! "

    Daniel Plainview : I'm a sinner.

    Eli Sunday : Louder, Daniel. I am a sinner!

    Daniel Plainview : I am a sinner.

    Eli Sunday : I am sorry, Lord!

    Daniel Plainview : I am sorry , Lord.

    Eli Sunday : I want the blood!

    Daniel Plainview : I want the blood.

    Eli Sunday : You have abandoned your child!

    Daniel Plainview : I've abandoned my child.

    Eli Sunday : I will never backslide!

    Daniel Plainview : I will never backslide.

    Eli Sunday : I was lost, but now I am found!

    Daniel Plainview : I was lost but now I'm found.

    Eli Sunday : I have abandoned my child!

    [Plainview glares at him] 

    Eli Sunday : Say it... say it!

  • Daniel Plainview : What would you like, Eli?

    Eli Sunday : Ten thousand dollars.

    Daniel Plainview : For what?

    Eli Sunday : For my church.

    Daniel Plainview : That's good. That's a good one.

  • Eli Sunday : Things go up, things go down, but at least the Lord is always around.

  • [They stand at a map] 

    Paul Sunday : This is us, here. Spur Station, here at Little Boston. The Sunday ranch is what you're looking for. There's a sheep trail that takes you there. It's a mile out of town, headed west, not far. Just through a small pass here, near the base of the hills. You'll pass a church, and just follow the sheep trail.

    Daniel Plainview : Where's Standard buying up?

    Paul Sunday : [pointing at map]  Here, and here.

    Daniel Plainview : And your family name is Sunday, yes?

    Paul Sunday : That's right.

    Daniel Plainview : How many's in your family?

    Paul Sunday : My father and mother and sisters, and my brother, Eli.

    H.W. Plainview : How many sisters do you have?

    Paul Sunday : Two.

    Daniel Plainview : What's your name?

    Paul Sunday : Paul.

    Fletcher Hamilton : Does any of your family know about the oil that you say is there?

    Paul Sunday : I don't know. Uh, my uncle always said there was oil there, but I don't know what they heard or what they think.

    Fletcher Hamilton : What do you grow?

    Paul Sunday : It's goats. Uh, it's a goat farm. I told you, nothing grows but weeds.

    Fletcher Hamilton : Is there water?

    Paul Sunday : It's salty. You drill a well, it's hard not to get salt water. The oil is there. I'm telling you. I want to go now, so...

    Daniel Plainview : Uh, you can stay tonight.

    Paul Sunday : No, I want to go now. I wanna leave.

    Daniel Plainview : Listen, Paul... If I travel all the way up there and I find that you've been lying to me, I'm gonna find you, and I'm gonna take more than my money back. Is that all right with you?

    Paul Sunday : Yes, sir.

    Daniel Plainview : All right then.

    Paul Sunday : Nice luck to you and God bless.

    Daniel Plainview : And to you, young man.

  • Eli Sunday : You are a stupid man, Abel. You've let someone come in here and walk all over us. You let him in and do his work here, and you are a stupid man for what we could have had.

    Abel Sunday : I followed His word, Eli. I tried.

    Eli Sunday : You didn't do anything but sit down. You're lazy and you're stupid. Do you think God is going to save you for being stupid? He doesn't save stupid people, Abel.

    [Eli clambers across the table and slams Abel to the ground] 

    Eli Sunday : I will tear you apart for what you've done, you stupid man! How did he come here? Do you even know? I know!

    Abel Sunday : Son, don't do this, please!

    Eli Sunday : Be quiet!

    Abel Sunday : Please! Don't!

    Eli Sunday : Shut your mouth, Abel! It was your stupid son! It was Paul who told him to come here. I know it. He went to him, and he said "My stupid, weak father will give away his lots. Go and take him." - and you let it happen.

    [lets go of Abel] 

    Eli Sunday : From a stupid father to a stupid son.

  • Eli Sunday : How is all the work coming?

    Daniel Plainview : Everything's good.

    Eli Sunday : All the men are provided for?

    Daniel Plainview : Of course.

    Eli Sunday : Spirits seem high. Is there... anything that you need from me? Anything the church can do for you?

    Daniel Plainview : I don't believe so, no. Thank you.

    Eli Sunday : I understand you've asked the people to gather round and watch the well begin tomorrow, is that right?

    Daniel Plainview : That's right.

    Eli Sunday : I will bless the well. Before you begin, you should introduce me. You'll see me walk up towards the oil well, and...

    Daniel Plainview : The derrick.

    Eli Sunday : You'll see me walk up, and then you can say my name.

    Daniel Plainview : When you walk up?

    Eli Sunday : Yes. You'll see me walk up, and then you could say "The proud son of these hills, who tended his father's flock", and then you could say my name.

    Daniel Plainview : That's fine.

    Eli Sunday : And what happens then?

    Daniel Plainview : Well, then we start the drill.

    Eli Sunday : It's a simple blessing, Daniel, but an important one. It's just a few words, it won't take long. What time?

    Daniel Plainview : What time's good for you, Eli?

    Eli Sunday : Four o'clock.

    Daniel Plainview : Well, let's make it four o'clock then. My thanks for your visit.

    Eli Sunday : Good day. Thank you.

  • Eli Sunday : And I had a vision. Yes, last night, I had a vision. And I felt God's breath go through me, and it moved down into my stomach and sloshed around, and my stomach spoke in a whisper, not a shout: "Touch this woman with your hands, and caress her."

    Eli Sunday : [grabbing Mrs. Hunter's hands]  My dear Mrs. Hunter, you have arthritis, don't you?

    Mrs. Hunter : Yes, I do, Eli.

    Eli Sunday : Yes, the Devil is in your hands, and I will suck it out. Now, I will not cast this ghost out with a fever, for the new spirit inside me has shown me I have a new way to communicate. It is a gentle whisper.

    [touches hands to Mrs. Hunter's face] 

    Eli Sunday : Get out of here, ghost. Get out of here, ghost. Get out. Get out of here, ghost. Get out of here, ghost. Get out of here, ghost. Get out of here, and don't you dare turn around and come back, for if you do, all the armies of my boot will kick you in the teeth, and you will be cast up and thrown in the dirt and thrust back to Perdition! And as long as I have teeth, I will bite you! And if I have no teeth, I will gum you! And as long as I have fists, I will bash you! Now, get out of here ghost! Get out of here, ghost! Get out of here, ghost! Egh! YEOW!

    [throws the 'ghost' out through the door] 

    Eli Sunday : And it left!

    The Congregation : Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord in his holy name! Amen! Thank you, Jesus!

    Eli Sunday : [approaching Mrs. Hunter]  My dear Mrs. Hunter...

    Mrs. Hunter : Eli.

    Eli Sunday : Dance with me. Dance with me.

  • Daniel Plainview : Eli! Tragedy at the well last night.

    Eli Sunday : Yes, I heard.

    Daniel Plainview : Joe Ghunda was a man of considerable faith, so if you wish to say a few words, his burial's at noon, tomorrow.

    Eli Sunday : Daniel, this accident could have been avoided. It is terrible to think of that well working away out there, unblessed...

    Daniel Plainview : Yes, it could have. These men are working twelve hour shifts and they need their rest. If they don't have it, they start to make stupid mistakes...

    Eli Sunday : I've seen some of the men drinking. Don't you think that has something to do with it...

    Daniel Plainview : We need these men well rested to bring in this well. They can't get that if they're up here listening to your gospel, and then the well can't produce and blow gold all over the place...

    Eli Sunday : I wish I had more time with Joe Ghunda. More could have been done...

    Daniel Plainview : And then the well can't produce and blow gold all over the place. Now, would you see to it that his personal possessions find their way back to his family, please? Thank you. Heard you were planning some renovations?

    Eli Sunday : Yes. Our congregation is growing strongly. We need more room.

    Daniel Plainview : Well, that was one goddamn helluva show.

    [chuckles and walks off] 

    Eli Sunday : We were happy to have you, Daniel.

  • Eli Sunday : Mr. Bandy has a grandson. Have you met his grandson William? William Bandy is one of the finest members we have at the Church of The Third Revelation. He's eager to come to Hollywood to be in movies. He is very good-looking. And I do think he will have success.

  • Daniel Plainview : [Paul Sunday has offered to sell Plainview information]  Why'd you come to me?

    Paul Sunday : You just brought this well in?

    Daniel Plainview : That's right.

    Paul Sunday : Yes, so just give me five hundred dollars in cash, right now, and I'll tell you where it is.

    Daniel Plainview : I'll tell you what I'll do, son. I'll give you a hundred dollars now and, if it proves to be a promising lease, then give a thousand dollar bonus...

    Paul Sunday : Six hundred dollars.

    Daniel Plainview : Just tell me one thing to help me decide. What else have you got up there. What do you grow?

    Paul Sunday : We have a big ranch, but it's mostly rocks. We can plant things; nothing will grow but weeds. What makes you think it's up?

    Fletcher Hamilton : Is there sulfur around, or alkali deposits?

    Paul Sunday : Alkali, nearby. I don't know sulfur.

    [notices H.W] 

    Paul Sunday : Is that your son?

    Daniel Plainview : Yes.

    Paul Sunday : [to H.W]  Hi.

    H.W. Plainview : Hi.

    Paul Sunday : [to Fletcher]  Who are you?

    Fletcher Hamilton : I'm Fletcher Hamilton. Nice to meet you, son. What's your name?

    Paul Sunday : What do you do?

    Fletcher Hamilton : I work with Mr. Plainview.

    Daniel Plainview : Here's five hundred dollars. You tell me something worth hearing, this money's yours.

    Paul Sunday : I come from a town called Little Boston, in Isabella County.

  • Daniel Plainview : -I'd be happy to work with you.

    Eli Sunday : -You would?

    Eli Sunday : Yes, yes, of course. That's wonderful.

    Daniel Plainview : But there is one condition for this work.

    Eli Sunday : All right.

    Daniel Plainview : I'd like you to tell me that you are a false prophet.

    Daniel Plainview : I'd like you to tell me that you are, and have been a false prophet.

    Daniel Plainview : And that God is a superstition.

    Eli Sunday : But that's a lie.

    Eli Sunday : It's a lie. I cannot say it.


    Eli Sunday : -When can we begin to drill?

    Daniel Plainview : -Very soon.

    Eli Sunday : How long will it take to bring in the well?

    Daniel Plainview : It shouldn't take long.

    Eli Sunday : I would like a $100,000 signing bonus, plus the five that is owed to me with interest.

    Daniel Plainview : That's only fair.

    Eli Sunday : I am a false prophet, and God is a superstition.

    Eli Sunday : If that's what you believe, then I will say it.

    Daniel Plainview : -Say it like you mean it.

    Eli Sunday : -Daniel.

    Daniel Plainview : Say it like it's your sermon.

    Daniel Plainview : Don't smile.

    Eli Sunday : I am a false prophet. -God is a superstition.

    Daniel Plainview : -Why don't you stand up? Put your glass down.

    Eli Sunday : I am a false prophet. God is a superstition.

    Daniel Plainview : -Eli, stop. Just imagine this is your church here and you have a full congregation, so...

    Eli Sunday : I am a false prophet. God is a superstition.

    Daniel Plainview : Say it again.

    Eli Sunday : I am a false prophet. God is a superstition.

    Daniel Plainview : They can't hear you at the back.

    Eli Sunday : I am a false prophet. God is a superstition.

    Daniel Plainview : Say it again.

    Eli Sunday : I am a false prophet! God is a superstition!

    Daniel Plainview : Say it again.

    Eli Sunday : I am a false prophet! God is a superstition!

    Daniel Plainview : Those areas have been drilled.

  • Eli Sunday : Do you understand?

    Daniel Plainview : Do you understand, Eli? That's more to the point. Do you understand? I drink your water. I drink it up every day. I drink the blood of Lamb.

  • Eli Sunday : What is it that brought you here, sir?

    Daniel Plainview : The Good Lord's guidance.

  • Eli Sunday : What about our oil?

    Daniel Plainview : What about it?

    Eli Sunday : We have oil here. That's worth something.

    Daniel Plainview : Do you have someone who can drill for it? Do you think there's oil here?

    Eli Sunday : I know there is.

    Daniel Plainview : lt's very expensive to drill. To get it up and out of the ground. You ever tried that before?

    Eli Sunday : How much is it?

    Daniel Plainview : Costly.

    Eli Sunday : Well, our oil sits right up on top of the ground.

    Daniel Plainview : l believe that's called seepage. Doesn't necessarily mean there's anything underneath.

    Eli Sunday : What would you give us for it?

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